This Way to the Best Care
Let top-notch service experts, medical professionals, and care coordinators show you how they truly care.
Steps and Forms
Here’s how you can avail of your membership benefits and get hold of the forms you’ll be needing.
Step 1
Go to the POS terminal in an accredited hospital or clinic.
In a hospital, the terminal is located at the Intellicare Coordinator’s clinic, at the Industrial office, or at the HMO office.
In a clinic, the terminal is located at the reception area or at the nurse station.
Step 2
Present your Intellicare card to the attending medical staff and have it swiped to validate membership eligibility.
Step 3
If APPROVED, the Out-Patient (OP) Letter of Eligibility (LOE) will be printed.
Sign the LOE.
If DECLINED, attending medical staff will call Intellicare’s Customer Service for assistance.
Step 4
Present the Out-Patient Letter of Eligibility to the Intellicare Coordinator to secure an Intellicare Referral Control Sheet (RCS) 1 for consultation or RCS 2 for laboratory or diagnostic procedures.
Step 5
Avail of the consultation or procedure.
Sign the Referral Control Sheet (RCS).